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About Nurse Lifeline

Nurse Lifeline is a registered charity that focuses on improving nurses' and midwives' mental health, emotional well-being, and resilience across the UK. We do this by providing a portfolio of unique listening services and resources 'run by nurses and midwives for nurses and midwives.' 


The charity was set up in 2020 by inspirational front-line nurses who recognised a critical need to support their peers. Their foresight enabled them to secure funding to carry out a successful pilot study into the value of a peer support service. This led to the establishment of Nurse Lifeline and the highly valued service it has become today. 


Staffed by a volunteer team of registered or recently retired nurses and midwives, our listening service is the first of its kind in the UK. 


As a peer-to-peer model, Nurse Lifeline is designed to provide a safe and non-judgmental space for the nursing and midwifery community to offload and decompress with like-minded professionals united by a common experience and shared understanding of what the callers are going through. 


In listening, we acknowledge, validate, encourage and empower - no issue or concern is too big or too small.


The charity has been promoted through the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), the Nursing Times, the BBC, universities and social media platforms. In 2022, Nurse Lifeline became the Nursing Times Awards Charity Partner, giving the charity a significant platform to raise awareness of the service. 


Our vision is to have a world where every nurse and midwife is nurtured and supported, enabling them to provide exceptional care with compassion and resilience.


 A world where every nurse and midwife is nurtured and supported, enabling them to provide exceptional care with compassion and resilience. 


Read our full strategy here.

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