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Nurse Lifeline

Supporting our colleagues and their families

During the winter months and as Christmas approaches, the stresses and strain of working in the healthcare sector can seem even greater, with staff shortages, fuel crisis and rising cost of living adding to the list of concerns for colleagues and their families.

Nurse Lifeline is here to support Nurses, Midwives, Students, HCA’s and their families, by providing a confidential, friendly, non-judgemental ‘listening ear’. The service is available Monday-Friday from 7pm until 10pm and all the Call Handlers are Nurses or Midwives too, so we really DO ‘get it’.

Over the past year we have received numerous calls from colleagues who are distressed, concerned, or simply need someone to talk to about their everyday experiences. We don’t have all the answers, but we can provide empathy, experience and signposting to other services that can provide more expert help.

Some of our colleagues have shared their NLL experience…..

I answered the phone to a 3rd year Student Nurse – in tears, scared about the future and whether they will be able to cope or even enjoy being a nurse. As a nurse myself I could give reassurance and suggest some positive actions to take, focussing on areas of success they enjoyed as a student. At the end of the call the student told me they would hang in there a bit longer.

I took a call from a Registered Nurse who was trying to cope with supporting her own adult child who was experiencing mental health problems during the pandemic. The conflict between being a professional and being a mum who wanted to be able to make everything right for her child. Giving her the space to express her fears and frustrations meant she felt stronger and more able to cope.

Chatting to a HCA who had been affected by caring for people who died during the pandemic – whilst they themselves were still alive and well. I was able to reassure them of the value of their role in caring for people at the end of their lives – the importance of their care and attention and how much it will have meant to the patient and to the family left behind. The HCA told me how much it had helped her to talk things through and to be reassured about her actions.

My calls have often been about bullying – there seems to be a bullying culture in nursing which is sad. The caller usually starts by asking if this is the right line to call and then at the end of the call is really positive about the support I have been able to give – this is really great.

If you need support, please don’t suffer alone. Pick up the phone and chat to one of our volunteers - Monday to Friday, 7pm - 10pm on 0808 801 0455.

From everyone at Nurse Lifeline – we wish you and yours a peaceful festive season and very best wishes for 2023.

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